Speech therapy is the specialty within the field of rehabilitation that is responsible for the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of alterations in voice, hearing, speech, language learning and aspects of oral motor skills that affect the development of the child.
What is evaluated
Conditions and mobility of the mouthpiece.
Respiratory acts and chewing-swallowing functions.
Phonoarticulatory diagocokinesis (articulatory pressure and productionin sound sequences).
Phonetic repertoire.
Syllabic structure.
Phonological simplification processes of the word: Type, frequency, delimitation (normal, delayed, deviant or atypical).
Consistency of errors or sound change
Detection (absence / presence of sound) - Attention to speech -Orientation to sound - Location.
Non-verbal sound perception: Discrimination, identification,figure-ground. Perception of supragmentalcharacteristics (duration, accent).
Perception of distinctive features or segmental characteristics..